Our After School Arts (ASA) Program offers a variety of enrichment classes for two separate seasons (fall and spring) each school year. Classes are taught by local artists and leaders, Claxton staff, and Claxton parents! All Claxton students are welcome at ASA as we hope to inspire a love and passion for art in all its forms! We hope you’ll join us! Please reach out by email or phone if you have any questions or need help with registration ([email protected] - 828.350.6552).
You can view all course details and information on our website or catalog.
Please read the info below and then select the "REGISTER for Spring 2022" tab above.
SCHEDULE:Our Spring classes begin the week of January 24th and will run through the week of March 22nd. You can view our detailed schedule HERE. Each class meets once per week immediately after school for 8 sessions total. Snack is provided, but students may also choose to bring their own snack depending on their personal health needs. Class ends promptly with student pick-up at 4:00 pm. Students must have transportation arrangements; unfortunately, bus transportation is not available. Classes follow the ACS calendar. (Classes are not held on days off or on early dismissal days-- scheduled and unscheduled). Each class has two make-up dates reserved at the end of the season. Your class instructor will keep you informed about any changes to dates for your class.
COST & PAYMENT: We encourage all students to participate, regardless of ability to pay. Scholarships are available; you can select “Scholarship Requested” as payment and you will be contacted about your request. Each class costs $90 for the entire session. We recommend online credit card payment. You may also select “Cash or Check”; payment must then be brought to Claxton’s office on the next school day or your selected class slot may be offered to another student. Please select classes carefully before registering; no refunds or credits will be given. Registration requests are not complete until payment is received.
REGISTRATION: Our website for online registration and payment is . Phone registration is also available for those with limited internet access. Registration is first-come-first-served and will be open from 5:00 pm Sunday, 12/12 until 5:00 pm Sunday, 12/19. Registration with Limited Internet Access: Please call 828-350-6552. If you leave a message, include your student’s name, your name, your phone number, and class(es) requested, and we will return your call as soon as possible.
Online Registration Tips:
We strongly recommend that you use Chrome or Firefox (not Internet Explorer or Safari) to register.
You can register and pay online for all students and all classes on one form at one time.
To Register-- Visit and click on the "Register for Spring 2022 Classes" tab and then click on the red "REGISTER HERE" button. You can then log in or create an account if your family has not used Jumbula previously. Please note--this is the parent account so please complete the information for the primary parent/guardian and not for a student. Student info will be requested later in registration.
Waitlist Option: If you're interested in taking a FULL class, there will be a registration option beside that class that says "Add to Waitlist." Join! It is free to be on the waitlist. We recommend that you go ahead and register for a different classthat still has open slots in case a spot doesn’t open in your first choice class.If you wait to hear about the waitlist class, other classes might become full in the meantime. You will be notified if a spot opens for you in your first choice class and you can then choose whether to transfer between classes.
Questions about After School Arts? Check out our website, email [email protected], or call 828-350-6552.